by mlotziii | Jan 28, 2023
Queaz-Away Motion Sickness Wristbands – PairQueaz-Away is a non-drug aid for people on the go. The unpleasant effects of bumpy flights, choppy seas, winding roads, rocking trains, and spinning Ferris wheels can ruin a trip or outing. Queaz-Away wristbands exert...
by mlotziii | Jan 28, 2023
Quick Reference Celestial Navigation CardA simplified, yet complete Celestial Navigation system. Includes everything you need: sextant use and corrections, star finder for 18 stars, data entry form, and step-by-step sight reduction and plotting procedures. May be...
by mlotziii | Jan 28, 2023
Quick Reference Weather Forecasting CardShows the use of wind direction, barometric pressure, and cloud type in predicting the weather, plus a full list of radio weather stations for official broadcasts, key information on storm warnings, hurricane avoidance,...
by mlotziii | Jan 28, 2023
Quick Reference Boating Guide CardCovers all the basic procedures and equipment. Includes pre-departure checklist, recommended equipment & spare parts, fueling procedures, engine troubleshooting, radio use, trailering, launching, anchoring, knot tying, and...
by mlotziii | Jan 28, 2023
Quick Reference International Navigation Rules CardA comprehensive guide incorporating the International Maritime Buoyage System and COLREGS. Clarifies differences between Cardinal and Lateral buoyage systems and buoyage regions, the key to reducing confusion and...