Gosh, there's almost nothing I love more than a summit beer.
I really think it depends what part of the country you're in, but for me, a summit beer has become a tradition. It's not every hike for sure, but if I've got a burlier hike planned with a peak to grab, I usually enjoy a beer at the top while I take in the view. I can't tell you how many hikes have ended this way.
Maybe you're not a beer drinker, so if not, what's your tradition? And if you are, what's your go-to beer for the mountain?
summits are synonymous with beers. SALUD, I'm impressed you hooved a glass bottle up to the Evans summit. A can would have been lighter, right? I guess you weren't stressing the extra ounces. Coulda gone higher!
@twdondanville Haha this one actually came across Bierstadt and the Sawtooth Traverse to be enjoyed....well worth it and well deserved!!
Sooo here for it! New Year's Day last year I went on a shorter summit hike and we popped champagne at the top!