I've skied my whole life. But I've never been night skiing. 😬
- Is it much different?
- Can you think of any night-skiing-specific tips for me?
1- It's way better! Seriously, it is so much fun. It's a totally different vibe
2- Ditch the goggles. If you like to wear something on your eyes, my brother and his fiancé got me into wearing clear safety glasses some years back, and it's way better. Especially this time of year. If you have a super clear lens or one meant for low light, you should be fine, but as long as the aesthetic doesn't bug ya, the safety gogs is the way to go
For me 1 & 2 are combined. Be cautious about the changing conditions -- as the sun goes down areas of the slopes that were smooth skiing earlier in the day can quickly transition to a sheet of ice. Better to figure that out a little cautiously than barrel down the slope and skid off into the trees.
@callmethebreeze I went with low-light lenses on my goggles. They worked like a charm. Good advice.
And @mlotziii, Thanks for the cautionary tale. I was able to stay up right and out of the trees.