I just moved to a lake community and am looking into kayaks. Do you prefer sit-in kayaks or sit-on? I've only ever used sit-in kayaks, but would love to hear about experiences with sit-on before I make any purchases. Thanks!
This is totally personally bias, but sit-in all the way. Sit-ons are supposedly more stable, but I've never really felt it to be noticeably different. I've always felt like it's easier to pack things along with a sit-in, and I just feel more comfortable overall. Many people will tell you sit-ons are the way to go for newer kayakers, but in my experience, I feel safer sitting inside 🙂
@callmethebreeze, I have to agree. If you're out for a joyride in stable water, like a local lake, with low commitment, a sit-on could be fun. But if you're on a serious excursion, like kayaking down the Colorado River, I recommend a sit-in. Sit-ins are safer and more comfortable.
I've met a lot of sit-in kayakers, and they're telling me the same thing. Unless you're an experienced pro who can handle turbulence at higher speeds, sit-in is a more stable and enjoyable ride.
Thank you guys for your input! I'm not a great swimmer (trying to get better this summer!) so I think I'll definitely continue looking at sit-ins since they seem like the safest bet!