What Is the Ideal Time to Camp for You?
My favorite time of the year to camp is either the Spring or the Fall. That sounds like a cliche, but it depends on the location.
In the Fall, I like the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee or Canyonlands in Utah.
In the Spring, I like Southern California, the Grand Canyon, or Southern Arizona.
Okay, it's your turn. What's your favorite season to camp, and where do you like to go?
Is it even possible to choose just one season? You make a fair point in saying you have favorite places depending on which season it is. I think I probably fall into the same camp. (No pun intended 😆)
I have several friends who have worked for or are currently working for NPS. One thing they have always said is that "From Labor Day to Memorial Day, the parks are empty other than the newlyweds and nearly-deads." As comical as I've always found it, it's a heck of a good tip. In more secluded areas, you can catch me out there any month of the year. In the National Parks though, I'm sure to stick to that slow window. Empty campgrounds and deserted trails are such a treat. Happy camping!