I've been in a Barkley Marathons rabbit hole lately. Ever heard of it?
It's "the race that eats its young"... 🤔
I'm not a trail runner but something about this event has be utterly intrigued. I love the strange, laid-back atmosphere mixed with utterly heinous trail running. These people are CRAZY!
There's a lot to watch/read about the Barkley Marathons, but I recommend this documentary about the first female finisher from 2024.
"The Finisher"
If you want to read, I recommend "Everything you need to know about the Barkley Marathons" from Runners World.
I have never heard about this, but I definitely get the intrigue!! I read up on it, and it is so crazy. How aren't more people talking about this?? Thanks for sharing! Gonna watch that doc next!