My wife and I are in the process of building a gear cubby/closet in the basement. While we are buying some pre-fabricated items for the space, we are also doing a lot of DIY designing so the space can be totally custom-made to fit our preferences.
The space will primarily house climbing gear. But there will also be space for camping gear and other outdoor gear, clothing, etc. In the planning process, we came up with a list of nonnegotiables that we thought would make the space unique to our needs.
- hanging space for backpacks/sleeping bags/ climbing ropes
- peg board for all my climbing clicky clackies
- workbench for staging equipment/gear repair
We combined some pre-fab steel shelving brackets from Etsy with custom-cut and stained a wooden shelf and dowel
Here's the steel pegboard
We are building the workbench using 2 x 4's and plywood to fit the dimensions of the space
If you were building a gear closet, what would your specific non-negotiables be?
Tell us about it!