I recently learned that the bus Chris McCandless spent time in and unfortunately died in was hauled out of the Alaskan wilderness and brought to a museum. I honestly think that’s a really cool way of honoring his legacy and also preventing any future perils for those who wanted to visit the bus. I watched Into the Wild for music in film class and analyzed Eddie Vedder’s soundtrack. That was such a cool project and I felt like I learned so much. Have you ever read the book or watched the movie? Do you think it was a good idea to remove the bus or should the Alaskan government have left it?
o*g love this topic!! Okay- first off, I fully support their decision to remove the bus. The local S&R teams were spending crazy amounts of time, money, and resources multiple times a year when unprepared folks would venture out in search of it. It led to a domino effect of perilous situations, so I think it was the right call.
Second- There is an incredible replica that is SO worth checking out at the 49th State Brewing in Denali! They did a fantastic job of keeping it super realistic, and it is filled with prints of pages of his journal and photos he took - I highly recommend! Plus, the beer is great, the food is incredible, and the atmosphere has earned its place as one of my top breweries in the country. For those who want to see the legendary temporary home of Alexander Supertramp - this is the way to do it!
I agree. Taking the bus out of the wilderness makes sense to me.
Question: is there any hypothesizing about how the bus got out there in the first place?