This summer, I became a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and learned how to facilitate forest bathing experiences. Forest Bathing/Therapy is a non-clinical practice that invites you to experience the forest in a sensory and relational way. It is inspired by the Japanese practice shinrin-yoku, but where that practice focuses more on health data and statistics (blood pressure, cortisol levels, etc), the Forest Therapy I learned how to lead is a bit more emotional and spiritual. Most sessions consist of a slow walk through the woods, sometimes lasting 3 hours, steeped in the senses. Throughout the walk, there are activities called "invitations" and sharing circles that follow the simple prompt, "What are you noticing?"
I'm curious if anyone here has ever tried Forest Bathing or Forest Therapy. If so, what did you think? If not, does it pique your interest? What questions do you have?