Ever wanted to walk 1,200 kilometers through Japan’s rural landscape, visiting 88 temples, and question every decision that led to this moment? Well, that was me on the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
It all started with a “spiritual journey” in mind and ended with me limping through rice paddies, drenched in sweat, and swearing at my backpack. The first few days were fine—peaceful, scenic, and full of enthusiastic pilgrims. Then, the blisters arrived. Oh, the blisters. By day five, my feet had more padding than the average couch cushion.
But that wasn’t the worst of it. At one point, I got lost and ended up in a tiny village where a group of elderly women insisted I join their tea ceremony. I thought, "Sure, I’ll have a break!" Fast forward three hours later, I had been given so much tea I thought I might burst. Then, they packed me with snacks and sent me on my way, telling me to "have good fortune."
By the time I hit Temple 88, I was a broken, but oddly enlightened, shell of my former self. I’d walked through forests, rice fields, and towns, learned how to survive on rice b***s, and experienced the kindness of strangers in the most unexpected ways.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Ask me after my feet recover.
Anyone else done the pilgrimage or another epic trek with unexpected surprises? Let’s hear your stories!